Bamburi Ultra-Fiber Reinforced Concrete incorporates either polypropylene or steel fibers to improve its durability and toughness performance. The resultant concrete is a material that has reduced plastic shrinkage cracking, reduced/slower crack propagation and enhanced impact and wear resistance.


  • Homogeneous reinforcing
  • Inhibits early plastic shrinkage
  • Increased concrete cohesiveness


  • Eliminates the need for conventional steel bars as secondary reinforcement, depending on the application [Note: Design application for this to be done in conjunction with Design Engineers and/or Applicator]
  • Extended service life with reduced maintenance
  • Reduced plastic shrinkage and settlement
  • Improved tensile strength and better crack control


  • Ground level floors ̶ Industrial, commercial and/or domestic
  • Sidewalks and roadways
  • Drainage pipes and structures
  • Septic tanks and sewer systems
  • Precast elements and prefabricated units
  • Unique sections/shapes or thin sections with large surface area e.g. composite decks, thin concrete sheets and panels


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